• +281-384-6284
  • bjwilson@bw-freelance-services.com

BW Freelance Services, Inc.
Copywriting and Marketing Solutions
for Small Business Professionals

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Artisanal Marketing

Artisanal bread

Just for a minute…think of the last really good hamburger you ate.

(My vegan and vegetarian friends can feel free to substitute their favorite equivalent.)

In fact, think of the last time you thought to yourself “I want to go and get a hamburger.”

Now…did you go to the closest fast-food place? You know the type…where they have the hamburgers all pre-made and ready to plop on the grill. Or even (horrors) where they just go ahead and cook them and then let them sit under a heat lamp until they’re sold.

I think not.

My guess is you went somewhere a little different. Where they didn’t even make the patty until you ordered it…and they asked you how you wanted it made.

(Personally I like mine medium with onion, bacon, cheddar cheese, ketchup and Dijon mustard…but I’ve been known to eat a bleu cheese and bacon burger on occasion.)

Now if I’m in a hurry…or I’m on the road and I’m just looking for anything…I might get a burger at one of those fast-food places. I know it won’t be the best hamburger in the world. And in that particular situation…that’s okay. I’m just looking to fill up space…in my stomach.

Fast-Food Marketing

Quick, cheap and fills the space.

Sounds like the mentality a lot of small businesses have about marketing:

  • They want to spend a minimal amount of money and time on it
  • They think all they have to do is “fill up the space” to get results

So they go to those people who offer “fast-food” marketing.

You’ve seen them on social media. They offer social media posts for a few dollars per post…or website content for ten dollars per article.

It’s cheap and it fills up the empty space on your Facebook business page. And that’s about it.

It doesn’t make you stand out from your competitors. You’ll just blend in with all the noise.

And it may be cheap but why spend the money at all? It’s not going to bring people specifically to you.

Now I’m a small business…okay, technically a “professional service provider”…so I totally get the concept of not wanting to spend a lot of money on marketing.

But I also know there’s a difference between cheap and cost-efficient. It’s all about results…and focus.

Artisanal Marketing

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “artisanal” is defined as:

  1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of an artisan
  2. Produced in limited quantities by an artisan through the use of traditional methods

(An “artisan” is defined as someone who practices a trade or handicraft…in case you wondered.)

So what’s “artisanal marketing”?

Let’s go back to my hamburger example.

The fast food burger is cheap and consistent…but all it does it fill up the space. Kind of like those cheap generic Facebook ads.

But an “artisanal” hamburger? It’s made to order…your order. You tell them exactly how you want it cooked and what you want on it. The cook made that hamburger specifically for your tastes…not to be acceptable to the lowest common denominator.

Maybe it cost a little bit more. And it probably took a little longer to prepare. But the result was worth it…a tasty burger made specifically to suit you.

In a nutshell…that’s what artisanal marketing does. Except it doesn’t need a hot grill (unless that’s part of your business).

We’re not talking about generic, “fill in the blanks and I’ll create a complete marketing campaign for you” fast-food marketing.

Artisanal marketing focuses on the unique aspects of your business…and your customers. It’s designed to make you stand out from your competition…not imitate them.

So Artisanal Marketing is More Expensive…Right?

Right now you’re probably thinking “This is all well and good…but I know I can’t afford it.”

And…okay…you won’t see an “artisanal” copywriter or marketer offer you a complete Facebook ad campaign for a few dollars a month. The people who do that will have you answer a couple of questions then they’ll fill out a generic template for the ads or content.

And the result will be exactly the same as all of your competitors…if they’ve gone the “fast-food marketing” route.

But “artisanal” marketing doesn’t have to break your budget to get positive results. There are a range of options…from the people like me who work out of their houses (or the local coffee place with free Wi-Fi) to the big advertising agencies.

Shop around. It’s like finding that perfect burger place. You can try the big expensive hamburger chains (not the fast food places!) and also that burger shack down the road. You may be surprised at what you find.

That local burger shack will ask you exactly how you want your burger. They might even make “off the menu” suggestions…unlike the big fancy places. And they probably won’t cost much more than the fast food places…but you’ll get a much better burger.

“Artisanal” marketing is the same way. If you come to me, I’m going to spend some time getting to know you, your business and (especially) your customers. And I’m going to turn it into copy and content which makes you stand out…not blend in.

And I’ll work within your budget.

So next time you’re looking for ways to market your business…forget the “fast food” and let an “artisanal” copywriter or marketer help you stand out from the crowd.

And you don’t even need to get fries with that.